
Showing posts from March, 2016

How to Enable Night Shift On Your iPhone for Easy Nighttime Reading

Bright blue-white light blasting in your face at night isn’t so great for your sleep or general health, but don’t worry: iOS now supports color shifting so you can warm up the light of your iPhone for easy nighttime reading. There is a growing body of research that exposure to artificial light late into the evening,  especially blue light like the crisp blue-white glow of our beloved gadgets, is a serious issue that effects our sleep cycles and general health. We dug extensively into this topic in our recent article on how artificial light is wrecking your sleep but the short of it is this: bright blue-white light is very similar to noonday sun, and it over stimulates our brains. When we’re exposed to blue light in the evening it messes with our sleep and causes a host of other problems. You can, however, minimize the effect of late-night light exposure by shifting the color to warmer tones. One of the tricks we highlighted in the aforementioned article is using s...



How to EASILY Make Your FIRST $100 Today From Scratch Using This FREE Trick-jamesscholes

Right then… Are you ready for more awesomeness? You better be ’cause I’ve got a cool little treat I think you’re gonna dig  And don’t worry – it’s completely FREE so it won’t cost you a single cent. Okay, so what is it? I’ve just made a NEW training sharing my latest money-getting trick. Oh trust me, it’s really cool stuff and it brings in fast results. And when I say fast… I mean literally minutes from now. So yeah, you could be literally getting traffic and making sales, minutes from now. Pretty Sweet, right… And it gets better too. Not only is this training free but the method itself is 100% free to implement as well So yeah, you’re gonna get lightning fast results… Without ever spending a single cent. Now I would say this training is for TWO types of people: Complete beginners who want a complete money making system that brings fast results as soon as today for free The more established marketer who wants a awesome new traffic method that will bring laser-targete...

How to Make Money Blogging using these FREE Strategies for Beginners & Business Blogs [Tutorial]

Poor old blogging, eh… Nobody gives a flying shit about it anymore. Back in my day – when I first started out – it was all the rage. Marketers were puntin’ their “quick rich” programs all about blogging. But now, you don’t hear a bleedin’ peep about it. Nowadays, it’s about those fancy pants social media sites. You know the ones, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram – this is where it’s at these days. But to be honest, I can see why… It’s where everyone hangs out, and you’ve gotta go where the crowd is, right. But despite that, blogging is still an awesomely powerful marketing tool. Sure, it takes a little longer to setup and get traction… But once you’re up and running, there’s nothing quite like it. In fact, blogging gets me MORE traffic, MORE leads and MORE sales than anything else Plus, you never have to worry about getting banned ’cause you actually own the damn thing. So yeah, blogging – when you know what you’re doing – kicks ass, man. So you’re probably lik...

Got a Problem With Traffic? Not You See This…

You know what sucks monkey-balls? Getting traffic… That’s what. Absolute pain the ass, I’m tellin’ ya – especially when you’re just starting out. If only there was a way of getting a whole heap of targeted traffic to your site everyday. And not only that, but it was totally “set & forget” too… You know, you do the work once and it comes in every single day for life Oh, and it was completely free to implement to… That would be pretty sweet, right. Sounds crazy, doesn’t it… But what if I told you it was possible? You know, a traffic source that: Drives hungry prospects to your site everyday who actually want to buy your stuff Truly set and forget: so you do the work once and it comes in like clock-work for life 100% free to implement so it cost nothing and you keep all the profits for yourself Don’t believe me…? Hey, I wouldn’t either… That’s why I’m gonna back it up right now with solid proof! Here, take a juicy-gander at this, my friend: Yup, that’s a 110 people in the last 60 minu...


A keylogger is a program that runs in the background on someones computer that logs every key they press, and then sends the log of all the pressed keys to the attacker. This essentially allows you the ability to collect all the usernames and passwords typed in. What you need : Vulcan logger - A new e-mail address specifically for keylogging After you downloaded the program, open it up and you should see the builder. Input YOUR email username & password into the boxes. The reason we are doing this is because the keylogger will log INTO your email, then email yourself the logs. I recommend making a new email specifically for keylogging. Select what email provider you are using here. If you are using gmail, select the first provider, if you are using yahoo, select the second provider, if you are using hotmail or live, select the third option. Input the subject of the message you will receive every time you receive a ...