How to Enable Night Shift On Your iPhone for Easy Nighttime Reading
Bright blue-white light blasting in your face at night isn’t so great for your sleep or general health, but don’t worry: iOS now supports color shifting so you can warm up the light of your iPhone for easy nighttime reading. There is a growing body of research that exposure to artificial light late into the evening, especially blue light like the crisp blue-white glow of our beloved gadgets, is a serious issue that effects our sleep cycles and general health. We dug extensively into this topic in our recent article on how artificial light is wrecking your sleep but the short of it is this: bright blue-white light is very similar to noonday sun, and it over stimulates our brains. When we’re exposed to blue light in the evening it messes with our sleep and causes a host of other problems. You can, however, minimize the effect of late-night light exposure by shifting the color to warmer tones. One of the tricks we highlighted in the aforementioned article is using s...