latest glo sub codes!!!

Plan Details
Daily Plans
Plan NamePrice (N)Data VolumeValiditySMS to 127USSD Code
1 Day Pack5030MB1 Day14*127*14#
Instant Surf100100MB1 Day51*127*51#
Always Day500195MB1 Day10*127*3#
Smallie200200MB3 Days56*127*56#
Weekly Plans
Plan NamePrice (N)Data VolumeValiditySMS to 127USSD Code
One Week40065MB7 Days52*127*52#
Big Week5001GB10 Days57*127*57#
Monthly Plans
Plan NamePrice (N)Data VolumeValiditySMS to 127USSD Code
Always Micro1,0002GB30 Days53*127*53#
My Phone2,0006GB30 Days55*127*55#
So Special2,50010GB30 Days58*127*58#
Always Macro3,00012GB30 Days54*127*54#
N4,000 Data Plan4,00018GB30 Days59*127*59#
Always Min5,00024GB30 Days11*127*2#
Always Max8,00048GB30 Days12*127*1#
Silver10,00011GB30 Days15*127*11#
Gold15,00060GB30 Days16*127*12#
Platinum18,00090GB30 Days17*127*13#
Are you out of data before end of your validity or you just want added data to your current plan? Boost your data plan by 1GB for just N500 OR by 300MB for just N200. Dial *777# to buy extra data (1GB Data Plan Boost is for 1GB plans or higher)
 Flexi Plans
Plan NamePrice (N)Data VolumeValiditySMS to 127USSD Code
N200_NIGHT_PLAN2001GB1 day (12am – 5am)60*127*60#
N500_WEEKEND_PLAN5003GB7 days (Weekend – Saturday 12 amSunday 11.59pm & Nights 12 am – 5pm)61*127*61#
G 1006,0004GB100 Hrs or 30 days20*127*5#
G 30015,00012GB300 Hrs or 3 Months21*127*4#
G-Leisure5,0004GB8PM to 9AM – Weekdays + All day on Weekends30*127*7#
G-Work6,0004GB8 AM to 9 PM31*127*6#
PriceDataOff-CampusOn-CampusGlo to Glo BonusValidity
N200200MB200MB400MBN504 days
N500500MB500MB1GBN1257 days
N10001GB1GB2GBN25015 days
N20002GB3GB6GBN50030 days
N50005GB12GB24GBN125030 days
**Click here for more info on Glo CAMPUS Data BOOSTER

Data Calculator
How Much Data Do I Need?
100MBSurf the web for 10 hours or Check 2000 emails or Watch 50 mins of video streaming
500MBSurf the web for 50 hours or Check 10,000 emails or Watch 4 hours of video streaming
2GBSurf the web for 200 hours or Check 40,000 emails or Watch 20 hours of video streaming
6GBSurf the web for 600 hours or Watch 60 hours of video streaming or Use your mobile as modem


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