How To Invite All Your Facebook friends In One ClicK!

Hello Users!
            1 have researched about this for a long Time Because Of the The stress in inviting all my 3000+ friends to Like My page,Well the joy in this is that you have to outsmart facebook with some javascript!!!
Well You Just got your new Facebook business page set up?
That’s awesome!
Nice job.
The only problem?
You current have zero likes on your page. And manually inviting your 3,400 friends one at a time will take all day — time you could be investing into growing your freelance business.
But don’t worry… This Is The solution!
In just four steps, I will teach you how to invite all your friends to like your Facebook page at once using one line of code in your address bar.

Step One

Step One
Navigate to your Facebook page using Google Chrome. You must navigate to your page using your personal profile, not while using Facebook as your page or Business Manager.
(Or, in this particular case, I navigated to jones Facebook page…)
And yes… for this to work, you must also use Chrome. I also highly recommend you do this from a desktop or laptop computer.
  • If you are an administrator of this page, click the  (ellipsis) in your cover photo and click Invite Friends.
  • If you are not an administrator of this page, click Invite friends to like this Page in the left sidebar.
Either way, an Invite your friends to like… window will pop up.

Step Two

Step Two
With the Invite your friends to like… window open, scroll to the very bottom of your friends list. To accelerate this, click the name of any friend on your list, and then hold down space bar or page down.
In the following steps, be sure to leave the Invite your friends to like… window open with all your friends loaded.

Step Three

Step Three
Next — and this step is very important — manually type javascript: into your address bar.

Step Four

Step Four
To do this final step, you are first going to need to carefully copy some code. Remember, if you miss even a single character, this code won’t work.
copy all this code and paste immediately after the javascript:
!new function(){window.x847928799c8s99x&&window.location.reload(),window.x847928799c8s99x=1;var o=new function(){var e="",n=null,t=null,r=1;this.ready=function(e){var t=function(){var t=document.createElement("div");t.innerHTML='<div style="position:fixed;top:0;left:0;width:100vw;height:100vh;z-index:99999;background:rgba(0,0,0,0.7);color:#fff;font-size:12px;overflow:hidden;"></div>',document.body.appendChild(t),n=t.children[0],o.log("starting..."),e()};document&&"complete"==document.readyState?t():window.addEventListener("load",function(){t()})},this.log=function(e){var i=150+Math.floor(35*Math.random());n.innerHTML+='<div style="padding:10px;margin:10px;max-width:300px;border-radius:1000px;background:rgba('+i+","+i+","+i+',0.9)">#'+r+": "+(e||"working...")+"</div>",++r,n.scrollTop=999999,t=window.clearTimeout(t),t=window.setTimeout(function(){o.error("the script stopped working.")},2e4)},this.error=function(o){alert(":( ERROR!"+(o?"\r\n\r\n#"+Math.ceil(1e3*Math.random())+" "+o:"")),confirm("Report this error?")&&(alert("Copy this error for the report:\r\n\r\n>>>>>\r\n\r\n"+window.location.href+": "+o),,"_blank")),window.location.reload()},this.done=function(e){o.log("saving all actions to facebook..."),window.setTimeout(function(){alert(":) OK!"+(e?" "+e:"")),window.location.reload()},5e3)},this.event=function(e,n,t){"string"==typeof e&&(e=document.querySelector(e)),e||o.error("could not find element"),n=n||"click","click"==n?||{},t.bubbles=!0,e.dispatchEvent(new Event(n,t)))},this.find=function(e,n){o.log("looking for loaded element...");var t=0,r=10,i=window.setInterval(function(){var l=document.querySelector(e);return l?(i=window.clearInterval(i),o.log("loaded element found."),void n(l)):(++t,void(t==r&&o.error("could not find loaded element")))},500)},this.scroll=function(e,n){o.log("scrolling element to end...");var t=10,r=0,i=0,l=window.setInterval(function(){o.log("scrolling...");var c=document.querySelector(e);if(c||o.error("could not find scrolling element "+e),c.scrollTop==r){if(++i,i==t)return window.clearInterval(l),o.log("scrolling done."),void n(c)}else i=0;r=c.scrollTop,c.scrollTop+=1e4},500)},,n,t){var r=document.querySelectorAll(e),i=r.length,l=0,c=200;if(o.log("found "+i+" friends to act on..."),i){var d=function(){r[l];n(r[l]),++l,o.log("action done, "+(i-l)+" remaining."),l==i?t(i):window.setTimeout(d,c)};d()}else callback(0)}};o.ready(function(){o.event('a[href*="/ajax/choose/?type=fan_page"] > *'),o.find(".fbProfileBrowserListContainer .listSection li",function(){o.scroll(".fbProfileBrowserResult.scrollable",function(){'.fbProfileBrowserResult.scrollable ul li [role="button"]',function(e){o.event(e)},function(e){o.done(e)})})})})};

Okay, good.
Return to the address bar above your Facebook page, and paste the code you just copied immediately following javascript:  just be sure not to leave any spaces between the colon and your pasted code.
Now hit enter.


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